Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 20 - 21 Nov 09 · Indoor · dresden, Germany Line Up: Eigenartig (rocki n digeridoooo) the Gents (raggea from the street) kapuDDniks (lokal heros) stupidozid (lokal heros) KSM (lokal heros)elekktrosmoke dj team- dresden DJ Marcito -VOOV Team hamburg DJ Markus Izehoe-osaka-arambol... zircus mirage -dreden psywarriors -dresdenInfo: Twisted connects so das motto!!! da haben wir uns doch mal gedacht unsere freunde alle auf eine party zu bringen... die fun hiphop crews kapuDDniks, ksm, stupidozid und lieblingsbands eigenartig and Th…Location: sektor evolution, an der eisenbahn 2, strasse e, 01099 dres… Over: 15y 2m · 2,642 · Added by harry Photos0 People TWISTED CONNECTS dresden · Germany Fri, 20 Nov 09, 22:00 - Sat, 21 Nov, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Over: 15y 2m