Party 26 - 27 Dec 10 · Indoor · belfast, Ireland Line Up: wLy E PoYoTe (ap records) LaH NaRRaDVIC TRIPLAG (triplag records/ russia) PsY~BaBa (india/dublin) CoNNoR LaVerY KoDeiNe (bad taste) oTiS GRooVeBoX (freakshow) Bashadelic - proper old skool funk an hip hop more T.B.CInfo: Its boxin day once again and for the second year, we will be holdin a mad as fuck rave up, This will be on until the very early hours and goin to have music over 2 floors massive sound system and craz…Location: artura global studios 29 north street belfast Over: 14y 3m · 1,357 · Added by lah narrad Photos0 People ToNgUe On The RooF'S BoXiN DaY RaVe Up belfast · Ireland Sun, 26 Dec 10, 21:30 - Mon, 27 Dec, 05:00= 7h 30minIndoor · Over: 14y 3m