Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member LoginParty 3 - 4 Nov 07 · Open Air · Lletger, cerca de Vilafranca del Penedes, Spain Line Up: ZexadelikDance Floor -4tuny -Raf&Rufo&Milka - Dumi&Altverd -LaDosi&Chico -Uri -Trull -Kevin -EloyAs ...y masLocation: Desde BCN y/o TAR: coger N-340 hasta l'Arboç, en la 1ª roto… Over: 17y 1m · 2,329 · Added by Roka6968 Photos0 People Tod@s somos la fiesta // Facundo // Nacer,Crecer y Morir II Lletger, cerca de Vilafranc… · Spain Sat, 3 Nov 07, 22:00 - Sun, 4 Nov, 19:00= 21hOpen Air · Over: 17y 1m