Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 6 - 7 Dec 13 · Indoor · Salzburg, Austria Line Up: ☆ PURPLE RAVER ☆ FIRST TIME IN SALZBURG!!! (Blacklite Records) Italy Purple Raver is the Psy Trance project of Lucio Munari, italian musician & sound engineer based in Turin, Italy. He had a class….•*☆ KAJOLA ☆*•. (Zero Gravity) Vienna .•*☆ KAMADEVA ☆*•. (Panmusic Records/Womb Records) Switzerland .•*☆ ECLIPSE ☆*•. (Syntax Sense) Salzburg .•*☆ SODOM ☆*•. (Syntax Sense) Salzburg .•*☆ BIO…Info: Wilkommen in der "ruhigen Zeit des Jahres"!!! tja aber nicht bei uns, nicht bei Syntax Sense! Auch im Advent rollen bei uns die Beats über die Anlage und verwöhnen eure Ohren auch diesmal mi…Location: Mark Freizeit-Kultur Over: 11y 1m · 1,560 · Added by Sodom - Syntax Sense Photos0 People THE PURPLE SENSE presented by Syntax Sense Salzburg · Austria · Map Fri, 6 Dec 13, 22:00 - Sat, 7 Dec, 05:00= 7hIndoor · Over: 11y 1m