Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 1 - 2 Jun 13 · Open Air · Marateca HERDADE DO ZAMBUJAL, Portugal Line Up: LIVE ACT * SENSIENT - Zenon Records - 3 hours live set - Australia * ZEN MECHANICS - Neurobiotic - Australia * RINKADINK - Alchemy records - South Africa * CAPTAIN HOOK - Iboga Records - Israel *…DJ-SET SHANE GOBI - Alchemy records - UK ( 2 Hours special set ) XAMÃ CIRKUS - 2to6 || Deviant Force rec -PT SEKTOR - YouTupia - PT LAST CALL - Crystal Matrix / Digital Freedom - PT D-MASTER - YouT…Info: The YouTupia crew as 3 entraces to offer at the end of the monts of march april and may all you have to do is to like our facebook page go the event page invite your friends and send a PM message t…Location: From LISBOA - A2 ALGARVE, Exit MARATECA, AGUAS DE MOURA N10… Over: 11y 9m · 2,914 · Added by tomic Photos0 People TECHNOLOGY 2013 *SENSIENT*ZEN MECHANICS *RINKADINK*CAPTAIN HOOK*SMASHED* PARALOC Marateca HERDADE DO ZAMBUJA… · Portugal Sat, 1 Jun 13, 23:00 - Sun, 2 Jun, 20:00= 21hOpen Air · Over: 11y 9m