Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 13 - 14 Mar 20 · Indoor · kiel, Germany Line Up: Live: N E U R O P L A S M (24/7 Records) DJ: M E L B U R N (Landmark Recordings/YSE) D I E P S Y D E N (OV Silence Records) F L I E G E (Gedankenspringer) M O R B U S . F L U X (Stubentanz/RD) MR . J…Location: Traum Gmbh, Kiel Over: 4y 11m · 2,403 · Added by jens klangkontakt (mr. jeans) Reports0 Photos0 Meeting0 People Tala Vinyasa 10 kiel · Germany · Map Fri, 13 Mar 20, 23:00 - Sat, 14 Mar, 10:00= 11hIndoor · Over: 4y 11m