Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 15 - 16 May 09 · Indoor · Roma, Italy Line Up: E S A (Tympanik Audio / United Kingdom)power industrial techno "(...) Leggi "industrial" tra i generi citati dalla label di riferimento, poi premi play e ti ritrovi in una punizione cor…HYDRA (Seres Music) octopussy darktrance CHILD_OS (Global Noise Movement/Stakanovismo) cannibal noise trance CHEMNITZ (Stakanovismo/Stahlwerk Radio) techno body beats INNOVEMBER (Stakanovismo/Stahlwer…Info: Ultimo appuntamento della stagione per Stakanovismo!, un nuovo modo di concepire il dancefloor underground tra teknoise, urban techno e darktrance... Installazioni, deco e visuals innovative, tra sono…Location: Kollatino Underground Via Georges Sorel 10 ROMA Over: 15y 9m · 2,021 · Added by [prxs] Photos0 People STAKANOVISMO! THE NEXT (DARK)STEP OF FUTURENOISE Roma · Italy Fri, 15 May 09, 23:30 - Sat, 16 May, 06:00= 6h 30minIndoor · Over: 15y 9m