Party 4 - 5 Feb 17 · Indoor · Salzburg, Austria Line Up: ⤐Sonus Sonorum pres. Sheenygami first time in Austria! ⤐ Es ist wieder Zeit die Fetzen fliegen zu lassen & das Tanzbein zu schwingen! Zu diesen Anlass holen wir Sheenygami (ITA) das erste mal zu uns n…Info: Sonus Sonorum - A group of young-minded people who joined together to make psychedelic-trance parties, art, dekoration and music!Location: MARK.freizeit.kultur Hannakstrasse 17 5023 Salzburg Over: 8y 1m · 520 · Added by Loxias Photos0 People Sonus Sonorum pres. Sheenygami Salzburg · Austria · Map Sat, 4 Feb 17, 22:00 - Sun, 5 Feb, 05:00= 7hIndoor · Over: 8y 1m