Party 10 - 11 Oct 10 · Indoor · Bucharest, Romania CANCELED Line Up: Secret City AMANAT pana la o data ce va fi anuntata ulterior din cauza unor probleme cu locatia. Ne cerem scuze pt incurcatura si speram sa remediem situatia in cel mai scurt timp posibil. . . . . . S…KUNDALINI [Intelligent Monkey - Bulgaria] TRIPITALE [Intelligent Monkey - Bulgaria] LATAM [Thrancians - Romania] BABALEKU [Spacesheep - Romania] ROUA [Spacesheep - Romania] INFINITY [Dmt - Romani…Info: Secret City AMANAT pana la o data ce va fi anuntata ulterior din cauza unor probleme cu locatia. Ne cerem scuze pt incurcatura si speram sa remediem situatia in cel mai scurt timp posibil. . . . . . S…Location: secret location to be revealed Over: 14y 4m · 5,931 · Added by Thrancians Photos0 People Secret City Bucharest · Romania Sun, 10 Oct 10, 12:00 - Mon, 11 Oct, 12:00= 1dIndoor · CANCELED · Over: 14y 4m