Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 19 - 20 Sept 14 · Indoor · Camposanto (MO), Italy Line Up: ▲ Out of Control - Electro Project ▲ è lieto di presentarvi: # VEN 19 SETTEMBRE 2014 - Camposanto (- prov. di Modena- EMILIA AREA) ▲ ॐ SBABELLORUM ॐ ▲ - LAST SUMMER PARTY - 100% GOA/TEKNO/FRENCH - MOD…Info: ▄█ I N F O - L I N E █▄ INFO: cell. 3484604363 (anche whatsapp) email a: o messaggio alla Pagina Facebook: Out Of Control - Electro ProjectLocation: ▄█ L O C A T I O N █▄ ► Camposanto (MO) ◄ via panaria ovest… Over: 10y 5m · 892 · Added by OutOfControl Photos0 People ▲ ॐ SBABELLORUM ॐ ▲ - LAST SUMMER PARTY 100% GOA/TEKNO/FRENCH - MODENA AREA Camposanto (MO) · Italy Fri, 19 Sept 14, 23:00 - Sat, 20 Sept, 08:00= 9hIndoor · Over: 10y 5m