Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 5 - 6 Apr 14 · In- & Outdoor · schelten, Switzerland Line Up: Tribal Effect (Creative Community) Ambrosia (Psy Castle) Gilgalad (PsyCastle) Freekalizer (Kernspalter) DJ Triphazard (emmenthal DARK MACHINE) DJ SinSan (Pitch Record Prod.) Sméagol (Planet Freak) Pot…Info: An der schmalen Scheltenpassstrasse, die das Tal von Delémont mit Balsthal verbindet, findet man zwischen romantischen Wäldern und steilen Weiden die kleine Ortschaft Schelten. Bitte meldet Euch an im…Location: Hingerhuus Over: 10y 11m · 483 · Added by conci Photos0 People Reisefieber warm up schelten · Switzerland · Map Sat, 5 Apr 14, 20:00 - Sun, 6 Apr, 12:00= 16hIn- & Outdoor · Over: 10y 11m