Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member LoginParty 24 - 25 Mar 12 · In- & Outdoor · Dresden, Germany / 14 Line Up: DRUMATIK * 2 hours liveset mind expansion / temple twisters / peak records - Lausanne / Switzerland * new album: * NYAMA catawampus records / free radical records - Hamburg * STRIX ALUCO trippy owl…... on 2 Dancefloors + AfterHour: DJane MARCIANA aka. BACK TO MARS boom festival 2008 / electric power pole records * Brazil / Amsterdam * BULL tree of life / plazmalab - Israel / Berlin * P.S…Info: ... all we hear is Radio Gagga Radio Googoo Radio Gagga all we hear is Radio Gagga Radio Blahblah radio was new radio someone still loves you ... Eine Gaggalacka indoor mit 2 Dancefloors und einem Out…Location: SEKTO(R)EVOLUTION an der eisenbahn 2 industriegelände nord 0… Over: 12y 8m · 10,107 · Added by merry:) Photos0 People RADIO GAGGA 2012 - with Drumatik live Dresden · Germany · Map Sat, 24 Mar 12, 22:00 - Sun, 25 Mar, 18:00= 19hIn- & Outdoor · / 14 · Over: 12y 8m