Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 16 - 17 May 12 · Indoor · Augsburg/Bayern/Bavaria/nähe München, Germany / 5 Line Up: Gastrax (Soundviecher)Dj Gajan (Cantina Indica) HotzenPlotz (Naturo Fluoro) DjSidh (Cantina Indica) Tobias Demharter (md-production/goa ball)Info: chai & vegetarian food by Ihlanis Rastaround Achja und wir können mit echt super günstigen Getränkepreisen glänzen: - Helles Schwarzbräu: 2 Euro - Helles Fortuna: 1,5 Euro - Cola: 1,5 - Wasser: 1 Eur…Location: ballonfabrik- fAbrIk unique Over: 12y 9m · 3,341 · Added by Qualia Photos0 People Qualia's Explanatory Gap Augsburg/Bayern/Bavaria/näh… · Germany Wed, 16 May 12, 23:00 - Thu, 17 May, 09:00= 10hIndoor · / 5 · Over: 12y 9m