Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 30 Nov - 1 Dec 13 · Indoor · Sihlbrugg, Switzerland Line Up: Cabal (IT) Spintwist Rec. Presenting his new album !!! Senix (CH) DigitalFrequenz Rec Dynamic Bastards (CH) Sinsonic Rec.Maximus (CH) Forestlove Prod./ Moinsen Prod. Moinsen (CH) Moinsen Prod./ Forestlove Prod. Provodkation (CH) Forestlove Prod. Olle Wolle (DE) Moinsen Prod. Tayca (CH) Moinsen Prod. Stampfkraft (CH…Info: Moinsen Prod. trifft auf Forestlove Prod. zu dem Anlass treffen wir uns im Tresor in Sihlbrugg. Die Musikalischen Künstler beider Prod. werden ihr bestes geben euch die Beats um die Ohren zu hauen. Wi…Location: Tresor Sihlbruggstr. 148 Industrie Sihlbrugg, 6340 Over: 11y 3m · 971 · Added by Dj_Moinsen_Swiss Photos0 People Progressive Meeting Sihlbrugg · Switzerland · Map Sat, 30 Nov 13, 22:00 - Sun, 1 Dec, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Over: 11y 3m