Party 26 - 27 Oct 12 · Indoor · sheffield, United Kingdom Line Up: BEN FRASER'S SABRETOOTH RE:CREATION UNCONSCIOUS MIND(S)ROOM1: PSY DILL & GREG ZOGG ROOM 2: REGGAE & BASS RHYTHMS SEQUOIA SOUND SYSTEM & GUESTS ROOM 3: ECLECTIC GROOVES DR ZOGG'S GALACTIC SOUND EMPORIUM vs FROZAC LINEFORM TOM GOOSE JAH REYNOLDS DR ZOGG JOH…Info: A four room monster mash up of epic proportions to celebrate Planet Zogg's 12th Birthday with our family and friends in a great multi roomed underground type (but fully licensed) venue!! **ROOM1: PSY/…Location: DLS, Snow Lane Entrance, SHEFFIELD, S3 7AL Over: 12y 4m · 1,995 · Added by John Photos0 People PLANET ZOGG Halloween Ball & 12th Birthday Party!! sheffield · United Kingdom Fri, 26 Oct 12, 23:30 - Sat, 27 Oct, 06:00= 6h 30minIndoor · Over: 12y 4m