Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 29 - 30 Dec 07 · Open Air · O x t a n k a h, Quintana Roo., Mexico Line Up: Vision sphere (Insane Crew) Internacional por confirmarPsytrance/Full on Duende (Psycun/cancun) Psyquences (Psycun/cancun) Ixion (Kolectiva/chetumal) Turko (Insane crew/chetumal) Volkano vs Pixan Project (Insane crew) Pastra-G (Pixan Productions/Mexico) E…Info: Because hurricane Dean hit bacalar we change location near chetumal, and the festival will take place in O x t a n k a h O x t a n k a h sound fest Is the first year what this project will see the lig…Location: Camino a oxtanka habra a la orilla de la hermosa bahia de Ch… Over: 17y 2m · 5,037 · Added by ravesforpixan Photos0 People O x t a n k a h Sound Festival O x t a n k a h, Quintana R… · Mexico Sat, 29 Dec 07, 22:00 - Sun, 30 Dec, 12:00= 14hOpen Air · Over: 17y 2m