Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 20 - 21 May 06 · Open Air · Near Modena, Italy Info: -6000 Watt sound systems -Psy Fluo Deco -Psy Bar -Camping Zone -Di notte può fare un po' fresco... -Rispettate la natura e ciò che vi circonda, soprattutto la natura...aiutateci a tenere pulito usando…Location: Nella valle incantata sulle colline tra Modena e Pavullo...t… Over: 18y 8m · 3,877 · Added by Progressive Armada Photos0 People ---MY$T|C@L L@ND--- Near Modena · Italy Sat, 20 May 06, 23:00 - Sun, 21 May, 12:00= 13hOpen Air · Over: 18y 8m