Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 17 - 18 Oct 08 · Club · Rome, Italy Line Up: AKT (Minimal Techno/Hard Dance) CHILD_OS (Dark Psytrance) BRK (Hard Trance/NuNrg) PLUS (Hardstyle)Info: NON E´ UN PARTY GOA Uno dei djs (Child_OS) fará un set dark psytrance di 1 ora e piú se l´affluenza é buona... in fondo pare non ci sia niente a Roma questo venerdí quindi chiunque volesse farsi 4 sal…Location: Galleria dei Serpenti - via dei Serpenti 32 ROMA Over: 16y 4m · 1,971 · Added by childofsorrows Photos0 People MASSIVE -The Resurrection Party- Rome · Italy Fri, 17 Oct 08, 23:30 - Sat, 18 Oct, 05:00= 5h 30minClub · Over: 16y 4m