Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 27 - 28 Sept 13 · Indoor · Brussels, Belgium Line Up: Floor 1: Psy Scene ===== Lucid Mantra (Ganja Tree. Be) Mikrobeat (Ultravision rec. Arg) Hashin (Elektro Magnetik. Be Ganja Tree. Be) Gridy Cosm (Elektro Magnetik. Fr Northern Psylight. No)…Floor 1: Psy Scene ===== Mozkatt (Elektro Magnetik. Pt) Moogly (Elektro Magnetik / B.S. Be) Whisckers (Elektro Magnetik. Be) More To Be Announced... Floor 2: Subliminal ===== S.O.S t…Location: Ric's Art Boat Quai des Péniches 44, 1000 Bruxelles Over: 11y 4m · 2,837 · Added by mozkatt Photos0 People Magnetik Vibes "on The Boat" 2 FLOORS!!! Brussels · Belgium Fri, 27 Sept 13, 22:00 - Sat, 28 Sept, 06:30= 8h 30minIndoor · Over: 11y 4m