Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 23 - 24 Jun 07 · Open Air · veneto area, Italy / 12 Line Up: COMA SECTOR - interzone inc.ATOMIC PULSE - bne records TASO - m.s.c.m.a. SPEC3 - neuro-sys. lab. LUCA - davya crew ILAI - davya crew KANYON - psyflyproject NIBIRO - psyconauti DORO - davya crew and more to be confirmed....Info: Sound System: 20 kw DB blu powered by Otturbatoidi tribe Parteciperà alla festa un amico, Tamir, che verrà in Italia per la prima volta per farci ascoltare le sue ultime produzioni.... in anteprima il…Location: Vallette immerse nel verde... a 30 km dall'autostrada... com… Over: 17y 8m · 7,005 · Added by goa - neurosis Photos0 People ...... MAGNETIC MOON ...... - ATOMIC PULSE special set veneto area · Italy Sat, 23 Jun 07, 22:00 - Sun, 24 Jun, 16:00= 18hOpen Air · / 12 · Over: 17y 8m