Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 19 - 20 Apr 14 · Indoor · Leipzig, Germany / 2 Line Up: PSYBERSPACE ----- 02.00 - 03.00 KYA ( littlebigsensations | lumagra | leipzig ) 06.00 - 08.30 AODIOIBOA (littlebigsensation | lumagra | leipzig )23.00 - 02.00 MONGOOSE & MEEHAL ( ovnimoon rec. | lumagra | leipzig ) 03.00 - 06.00 NUKY SHANKA (bom shanka | dirty saffi | london) 08.30 - 11.30 M3DRA ( real vision music | trippy owl music |…Info: Take a videoflight: * Hey Lu, ein Terra-Schweif-Fax schoss gerade rein, ich glaub, sie tun es schon wieder. ° Lies doch mal vor! ### Aufwärmphase überschritten, Landeplatz grünt, Erdlinge verhalten s…Location: Alte Damenhandschuhfabrik Klingenstraße 20 04229 Leipzig-Pla… Over: 10y 10m · 1,827 · Added by LUMAGRA BOOKINGS Photos0 People LUMAGRA to orbit Leipzig · Germany · Map Sat, 19 Apr 14, 22:30 - Sun, 20 Apr, 14:30= 16hIndoor · / 2 · Over: 10y 10m