Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 20 - 21 May 11 · Indoor · Barcelona, Spain Line Up: LIQUID SOUL - IBOGA RECORDS - LIVE/DJ SETPSYHERMIT - Ro - Ashkari Project ALEX DROID - Es - Lazytrancers - LIQUID SOUL - Sw - Iboga Records - AMITO - Is - Nutek Records -Info: As the summer is almost here and festivals are starting all over the World, ASHKARI PROJECT organizes it´s second Amazing Event!!! We have the honor to have as guest, for the first time in Barcelona,…Location: Barcelona Carrer d´Isidre Nonell 11, Badalona Como llegar: E… Over: 13y 9m · 2,891 · Added by ashkari project Photos0 People LIQUID SOUL <Live> Ashkari Project - 20 May Barcelona Barcelona · Spain Fri, 20 May 11, 23:00 - Sat, 21 May, 06:00= 7hIndoor · Over: 13y 9m