Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 7 - 8 May 05 · Indoor · Wien, Austria Line Up: --- Nanda - (Chillosophy Music - Interchill Rec.) (Chile) Animatekk - (Shiva - CH) Simo (Antiworld…Info: This the Androgyn Promo Party, with very special Acts to give you a glimpse on the Festival. Also some festival specials will be announced soon... Der Begriff Immrama meint übrigens eine Reise in d…Location: The Monastery, Landstrasser Hauptstrasse 38 U3 Rochusgasse Over: 19y 10m · 3,205 · Added by Vulcanic Dimensions Photos0 People IMMRAMA - °°° ANDROGYN 2005 °°° Promo Wien · Austria Sat, 7 May 05, 22:00 - Sun, 8 May, 08:00= 10hIndoor · Over: 19y 10m