Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 16 - 17 May 05 · Indoor · MILANO (Alzaia Naviglio Pavese n.260), Italy Line Up: BWM MINI Cabriolet and GQ Magazine present: BMW MINI Open Tour (Part 1) . Monday, May 16th, 2005 . . 22:00 - Mid Night . . Panoramic Ambient dj-set . . N O V A . Ultimae Rec . Fairy Tales . . .…Location: 'EX CARTIERE BINDA' Alzaia Naviglio Pavese n.260 Milano - It… Over: 19y 9m · 1,801 · Added by Etnicanet Records Photos0 People .Etnicanet Rec & Ultimae Rec. (BMW MIni Open Tour p.1) MILANO (Alzaia Naviglio Pav… · Italy Mon, 16 May 05, 22:00 - Tue, 17 May, 03:00= 5hIndoor · Over: 19y 9m