Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member LoginParty 25 - 26 Dec 11 · Indoor · Obergünzburg, Germany Line Up: LIVE: FUNKY DRAGON (IONO MUSIC, AT) Born in Serbia 1977, Igor lives and produces in Vienna-Austria since year 2000. He started dejaying at small parties and soon he realized that ultimately, his dream…PROGGY FLOOR DJ JENSSON (IONO MUSIC) EL FABIO (IONO MUSIC) HAYOOWA (ElectroHippies, Resident) ATSARA vs. CHERUB (Stone in Space) EIGHTBALL (ElectroHippies, Resident) TECHNO FLOOR THE SMIE THE WOODSTER…Info: : Location CLUB GO IN Kaufbeurer Strasse 34 Obergünzburg/Kempten/Allgäu Eintritt: 15€ nur Abendkasse Shuttle Bus Info. Abfahrzeiten Ab Kempten ZUM -> GoIn 21 Uhr und 23 Uhr Ab KF Plärrer 21:45 Uhr…Location: Club Go In Kaufbeurerstr.34 87435 Obergünzburg Over: 12y 11m · 1,696 · Added by EL Fabio Photos0 People ELECTRO PANIC Obergünzburg · Germany Sun, 25 Dec 11, 21:30 - Mon, 26 Dec, 09:30= 12hIndoor · Over: 12y 11m