Party 16 - 17 Sept 06 · In- & Outdoor · wien, Austria / 13 Line Up: THE STARS AND THE MOON .....ECHOTEK---3 hours special dj set!-(b.n.e.records)israel. ECHOTEK is Micha Yossef, born in 1975 in Israel. Micha started his path in music over 10 years ago as a member of a gothic rock band, which pro…Info: working on it ...whats coock slowly taste the best ...;) so people it looks like will have a nice party ;) lets hope for a cool sunrise so we can dance out in the morgen;) for all the people who…Location: THE PLANETERIUM NEXT TO THE PRATERSTERN Over: 18y 5m · 7,069 · Added by °°Immrama°° Photos0 People drops we go with- ECHOTEK (BNErecords). wien · Austria Sat, 16 Sept 06, 22:00 - Sun, 17 Sept, 12:00= 14hIn- & Outdoor · / 13 · Over: 18y 5m