Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 9 - 10 Feb 08 · Open Air · Ezeiza, Argentina Line Up: Perplex Pshenika Inference (Mexico)Perplex Moksha (Dancing Budhas Resident) Murray Pandy Q-KerInfo: Yoga Class 20hs Osho Kundalini Meditation 21hs Marquee, visuals, camping area, food, parking, swimming pool, and more.... Buses from the city to the party both ways, leaving from Galeria Bond Street,…Location: Near Ezeiza Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Over: 17y 1m · 1,391 · Added by moksha Photos0 People Dancing Budhas Outdoor presents Perplex in Buenos Aires Ezeiza · Argentina Sat, 9 Feb 08, 20:00 - Sun, 10 Feb, 15:00= 19hOpen Air · Over: 17y 1m