Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 14 Jan 07, 07:00 - 18:00 · Indoor · Wien, Austria Line Up: Gobayashi (astralzone) Patrick Kong & Smacs (klanggutrec./club7)Info: meet your friends and enjoy delicate buffet by fine DJ music Buffet kalt und warm und süss inklusive 1 Vitamincocktail, 1 Glas Sekt und Espresso, Melange, Latte so viel du willst und Tee (30 Sorten)…Location: Q, Restaurant, Cafe Sargfabrik, 1140 Wien, Goldschlagstraße… Over: 18y 1m · 1,374 · Added by caretta Photos0 People Club Delphin Sunday Brunch Wien · Austria Sun, 14 Jan 07, 07:00 - 18:00= 11hIndoor · Over: 18y 1m