Party 17 - 18 Nov 07 · Indoor · Stockholm, Sweden CANCELED Line Up: ATRIOHM |ParvatiRecords. MACEDONIA| DERANGO |Sanaton.rec/Inpsydemedia.rec. SWEDEN| SCHIZOBOT |Divine music tribe. UK/INDIA| + SECRET ACTInfra |Earth Intelligence / Tap 303 Rec| Twist3dtalos |Hypnotica.rec| Twisted darkpsy sett MamaGaia |VoodoCrew| Proggresivetrance sett Yathabhuta |VoodoCrew| Mad Goatrance settInfo: Time for a event in the sign of the scorpions. The music will be all from Goatrance to prog and Dark psytrance A amazing chillout with secret lineup Crazy decorations and godlike food, energybar and…Location: Hypnotica Records turf Over: 17y 3m · 1,913 · Added by Talos Photos0 People CaligatioÆternus Stockholm · Sweden Sat, 17 Nov 07, 22:00 - Sun, 18 Nov, 12:00= 14hIndoor · CANCELED · Over: 17y 3m