Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 13 - 14 Dec 08 · Indoor · Magdeburg, Germany / 8 Line Up: *** Kya (Leipzig) ****** Elfenklatscher (Mind Expansion / Leipzig) *** *** KaiPie (PsyMD) *** *** Álfheimr (A.Y.E.) *** *** Hashbury (A.Y.E.) *** *** quetzaquatel (A.Y.E.) *** *** TIMETABLE ***…Info: * laser * psychedelic visuals * vegane & vegetarische Suppen * chai * glühwein * fruits for free * nachos for free * faire Getränkepreise * more soonLocation: KJFE Knast Umfassungsstr. 76 Magdeburg Vom HBF mit der Linie… Over: 16y 2m · 3,518 · Added by A.Y.E.?-Crew Photos0 People Are You Experienced ? IV Magdeburg · Germany · Map Sat, 13 Dec 08, 22:00 - Sun, 14 Dec, 10:00= 12hIndoor · / 8 · Over: 16y 2m