Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 3 - 4 Oct 15 · Indoor · St. Gallen (CH), Switzerland Line Up: Lineup Mainfloor Progressive Trance, Fullon Normalize (GRE) ✔ (Spin Twist Records) 1h Liveset - Progressive Amagra (GRE/SUI) ✔ (Blue Tunes Records) 1h Liveset - Progressive Jack In The Box (MEX) ✔ (…Info: Liebe Musikliebhaber, Partygänger, Freaks und Freunde! Der Sommer neigt bald seinem Ende, deshalb lädt Gobrenix wieder zum Stampf ein! Die Party wird in der Raumstation auf 2 Floors gefeiert. In der R…Location: Club Raumstation, Lerchentalstrasse, 9016 St. Gallen, Over: 9y 5m · 1,723 · Added by Stampfbegleiter Photos0 People Acoustic Waveforms w/ Normalize, Amagra, Jack In The Box, Si-Moon, amm. St. Gallen (CH) · Switzerland Sat, 3 Oct 15, 23:00 - Sun, 4 Oct, 11:00= 12hIndoor · Over: 9y 5m