Top-Menu as a new standard, plus new font
... so it became necessary to change to the two-column layout including a new font type.
The so-called Top-Menu has been used on smartphones for a long time and a menu hovering above is known to almost everyone.
The possible fonts are Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans and Droid Sans - depending on whether they are available on your device (because no font will be reloaded). If the font does not exist, Arial will still be shown.
If you don't like the font or layout, you can switch on Layouts and Styles the classic view.
There are some improvements for members:
- In Forum Threads the latest post is now visible as soon as the mouse hovers over the number of posts or is tapped on the smartphone. The member name can then be clicked or read with mouse-over/tap.
- The member name can also be clicked/read on Subscribed Posts at the meeting points, lifts and reports.
- The Member Tags on Your Profile Details are now permanently open and can be written directly. This is faster because no reload of the page is necessary. On All Members the member tags are now easier to reach.
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