Goabase News

1 May 23 ·

The latest..

...once summarised

Hello everyone,

today there is a new batch of small changes to the Goabase. This is also an opportunity to inform you about the most important new features:

  • First, no good news: For festival and open air parties, a 7-day weather forecast was available. A service was used that ran in a so-called "iframe", but has since been bought up by Apple and is no longer offered for websites. An equivalent replacement could not be found, so the function was switched off. The solution can only be to code your own weather forecast with OpenWeather data.
  • The font size has been increased from 15 to 16 pixels for desktops. The resolution/size of today's monitors allows this. If you want a different size, you can set it on the page Goabase layouts.
  • The menu at the top left now also says "GOABASE" in the desktop view. Clicking opens the home page.
  • Beta: When searching for a place, a list of the largest cities in a country appears even before the first tap. For this we have a database with all the place names in the world. However, this does not only contain cities, but also administrative districts and counties. These have been removed for the largest countries. You are welcome to report incorrect city and place names.
  • The search fields no longer remain stubbornly round when the results are displayed.
  • The filter symbol used to be a magnifying glass as a symbol for the search. Now the now common icon is also used for "filters".
  • Videos from [odysee.com] are now displayed embedded.
  • Forum: The filter option "Your posts" now shows a chronological list of all topics/threads. Further search/filtering is possible there.
  • Already available for some time:
    • Country names also in Spanish and French
    • The button "Near you" opens a slider. This can be used to set the desired radius (up to 500 km). Now it can also be used for smartphones.
    • The party list changes to a two-column display as soon as the browser size exceeds 1440 pixels.
    • In the Firefox browser, the RSS link for parties is visible in the address bar. Otherwise in the share button at Upcoming Events.
  • A number of minor corrections (and certainly new inaccuracies again).
  • On [undergroundsound.eu] there is an interview about Goabase from March 2023

Thank you for using it and have fun discovering it! Feedback and criticism is always welcome.
So is (d)a donation, which then helps to cover the server costs. See Support Goabase... :)

- amalesh (Webmaster)