Perimeter search improved
Firstly, the button was renamed from "In your neighbourhood" to the more general and shorter "In the vicinity".
Then only the "Nearby" button on the start page goabase ॐ parties and people tries to determine the location. This button then calls up the page Upcoming Events.
If the kilometre slider on Upcoming Events is now set to a different distance, a list with the changed radius appears after two seconds. Previously there was a separate "OK, search" button, which is no longer necessary.
Furthermore, a different location can be selected and used together with the radius search.
This also works on the pages Calendar and Past Events. On the calendar page, the possible days can be found quickly, especially in combination with the filters.
In the member area, however, the radius search has been removed for the time being. It should work identically to the parties there - but this will take some time.