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10 May 16 ·

Parties on your Website

You have a website or blog and wanna list (your) parties on it? It's possible with flier images now.
Layout mit Flyern:

It's possible since a few years, to embed upcoming party events on your website with the Partyserver. They could be the own, the remarked or all public parties.

But the layout was not the best. And that's why we made an update with flier images. You see it on the right in it's real functioning and working.

The mouse over info is also a better one with start and end date info.

Next detali is the party date in the list itself. It is displayed on top and every fifth party or if the date itself changes. This reduces it to the usefull info only.

Only one line of HTML and a few lines of CSS are needed to embed the events on your page. It run's also in Wordpress or other CMS.

Feedback and suggestions are always welcome :)