Hop là ! Tu as consulté une page qui n'est accessible qu'aux membres.Ici, tu peux accéder à Connexion des membres Fête 29 - 30 mars 13 · Indoor · ljubljana, Slovénie Line-up: ·٠•●ૐ●•٠·MIRROR ME (Pl, Zenon Records)·٠•●ૐ●•٠· One of the youngest and brightest stars on Zenon sky is Mirror Me, the reflection of Antoni Girjatowicz, a young artist from Poland, an ex-pianist who d…·٠•●ૐ●•٠·VAL VASHAR (Hr, Zenon Records)·٠•●ૐ●•٠· Val Vashar is label DJ of Zenon Records and Glitchy.Tonic.Records and with Mistarstvo Psihodelije one of the biggest promotor of psy scene in Croatia.…Info: Extra SoundSistem Smoking Area on Terace Fresh Fruits KLUB EUFORIA Ljubljana Hard beats. Soft moves. Freeparking. Terace for smokers. Morning in the nature. :::Lieu: Klub Euforia, Celovška cesta 25 (nad bazenom), 1000 Ljubljan… Passé 11a 10m · 1 165 · Inscrit par AGENT MUSHROOM Photos0 People ZENONESQUE NIGHT w/ MIRROR ME, VAL VASHAR & co. ljubljana · Slovénie ven., 29 mars 13, 23:00 - sam., 30 mars, 08:00= 9hIndoor · Passé 11a 10m