Fête 29 - 30 nov. 08 · Club · Dublin, Irlande Line-up: EARTHLING ( Spun Record) Ibiza Spain Earthlings released his first tracks "Just Say Yes" on T.I.P. records, "Dusty Hoffmans" on Neurobiotic records, and his debut album "Patt…Squee (Neutronyx) SpaInfo: This event is the launch party of, the aim of the website is to update you psytrance lovers about all sort of activities such as updates of events, PsyArt, video and picture gallery, gatherings, new…Lieu: Radio City Club, Store St, Dublin 1 Opposite Bussaras Statio… Passé 16a 2m · 3 271 · Inscrit par hare Photos0 People www.psytrance.ie Dublin · Irlande · Carte sam., 29 nov. 08, 22:00 - dim., 30 nov., 02:30= 4h 30minClub · Passé 16a 2m