Fête 2 - 3 déc. 11 · Indoor · Troy, NY, États-Unis Line-up: CORTEX (Boundless Rec., ISRAEL) PsytranceNIGEL RICHARDS (611 Records Philadelphia) Psychedelic Techno Keith Mattar (Sonic Beating, Boston) Psytrance Vúdoo Runner (Vúdoo Productions, Albany) Psytrance Dex (Fractaltribe, Boston) Psytrance VúDO…Info: ReBiRtH will be the cosmic one year anniversary celebration of Vúdoo Productions. For over a year, we have been bring stellar electronic music events to the capital region, and this upcoming party…Lieu: 285 2nd St. Troy, NY Passé 13a 2m · 1 287 · Inscrit par Jdembsk13 Photos0 People Vúdoo Productions Presents: ReBiRtH Troy, NY · États-Unis ven., 2 déc. 11, 21:00 - sam., 3 déc., 04:00= 7hIndoor · Passé 13a 2m