Fête 21 - 22 janv. 12 · Indoor · Budapest , Hongrie Line-up: FLEGMA LIVE (Tesseractstudio)-Serbia NERSO LIVE(Tesseractstudio)-Serbia SIDEFORM LIVE (Tesseractstudio)-Serbia CHROMATIC live (Y-Production) At the Dark Stage: JESUS RAVES - Ultivarecords / Serb…Henzi (Y-Production) Toge (Y-Production) Hruscsov (Y-Production) Botond (Y-Production) Era (Protoplasma) Dark stage : JESUS RAVES - Ultivarecords / Serbia MENTAL (People of the middle Earth/Interzone…Info: Kék pont, Chai shop,Lieu: Almássy Hall Almássy tér 6., Budapest, Hungary, 1077 Passé 13a 1m · 1 297 · Inscrit par dolpsyn Photos0 People Viva la Serbia Budapest · Hongrie sam., 21 janv. 12, 22:00 - dim., 22 janv., 09:00= 11hIndoor · Passé 13a 1m