Fête 5 - 6 sept. 09 · Indoor · Aarhus, Danemark Info: Yo there party people! This time, the overall theme of the party is local labels. Parvati & Triptonite will give us some of the best they have to offer on each their stage. There isn't much else in it…Lieu: Skjoldhoej Spobjergvej 3 8220 brand Passé 15a 6m · 2 115 · Inscrit par Umbrex Photos0 People Umbrex Presents: A Psychedelic Treat with Parvati & Triptoni Aarhus · Danemark sam., 5 sept. 09, 21:00 - dim., 6 sept., 05:00= 8hIndoor · Passé 15a 6m