Fête 12 - 13 mars 11 · Indoor · Warsaw, Pologne Line-up: NEUROMOTOR (Mechanik Records, France)- very long set!!!, Havaya (Epilepsy), No Logic (Epilepsy), Bongo (Hallabanaha/MAE), Ochen (Lesna Szajka)Info: for more info, like How to get there or how much costs the train ticket from Berlin to Warsaw contact onLieu: club Radio Luxembourg Gorczewska 67 street.. taxi from train… Passé 13a 11m · 1 094 · Inscrit par psyrob Photos0 People Twisted Night II Warsaw · Pologne sam., 12 mars 11, 22:00 - dim., 13 mars, 10:00= 12hIndoor · Passé 13a 11m