Fête 20 - 21 sept. 07 · Indoor · Graz, Autriche Line-up: Pro:Tuberance DjsInfo: Strictly Trance Pro:Tuberance is looking for Djs in the Progressive field Bring us demos or send it to the address mentioned above. We apologize for yesterday´s minimal session. Due to the fact of a b…Lieu: Arcadium, Griesgasse 25, 8020 Graz Passé 17a 4m · 1 490 · Inscrit par Pro:Tuberance Photos0 People Trance Cafe Graz · Autriche jeu., 20 sept. 07, 20:00 - ven., 21 sept., 02:00= 6hIndoor · Passé 17a 4m