Fête 11 - 12 déc. 10 · Indoor · Shanghai, Chine Line-up: DJ Solaris Kodama Yuta GotamaInfo: The Magic Garden psy trance crew are ring in Christmas slightly earlier this year, with a rave party down at Circus. Santa touches down at the club -- Solaris, Kodama, Yuta and Gotama getting festi…Lieu: Circus Club 3/F, Garden Plaza, 2088 Yan'an West Road, near Y… Passé 14a 3m · 725 · Inscrit par Zeel Photos0 People The Slightly Early Christmas Shindig Shanghai · Chine sam., 11 déc. 10, 22:00 - dim., 12 déc., 06:00= 8hIndoor · Passé 14a 3m