Fête 13 - 14 janv. 23 · Indoor · Nendaz, Suisse Line-up: ☆★☆ LINE UP ☆★☆ ▽▲▽ ZYCE ▽▲▽ Psy-progressive solo project by Nikola Kozic, who has become one of Serbia's most talented electronic music producers. Music has always played a large part of his life, si…Info: ☸︎ It is a great honor for the Lapin Vert to welcome two big names from the Progressive/Psytrance scene. You have surely already meet them in the most renowned festivals in the world. We are pleased t…Lieu: Le Lapin Vert Nendaz, Route de la télécabine, 2, 1997 Nendaz Passé 2a 1m · 552 · Inscrit par Parascop Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People TESSERACT STUDIO / LABEL PARTY @ Lapin Vert de Nendaz Nendaz · Suisse · Carte ven., 13 janv. 23, 22:00 - sam., 14 janv., 05:00= 7hIndoor · Passé 2a 1m