Fête 17 - 18 mars 18 · Indoor · Cagliari, Italie Line-up: (No order in the time shedule) - DJESSO - Cumbia & Electro - Fabula Baba - Psychedelic Downtempo and UptempoInfo: This the very first Opening of a Project Called "Tropikalaris", and for this edition called ' Vol.0 - Sunset Chillout' it will be proposed just few ours of downtempo and chill music with…Lieu: Sa Domu Studentato Occupato Cagliari Passé 6a 11m · 396 · Inscrit par Fabula Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People T r o p i K A L A r i s - vol.0 - Sunset ChillOut Cagliari · Italie · Carte sam., 17 mars 18, 18:00 - dim., 18 mars, 02:00= 8hIndoor · Passé 6a 11m