Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Fête 24 - 25 sept. 11 · Indoor · Haag / NÖ, Autriche / 6 Line-up: ◙ MALICE IN WONDERLAND [2to6, Bhooteshwara Records]◙ Surprise Guest :DJANE MADEMOISELLE CHAOZ (Pixan Records) GERMANY ◙ PRAHEYA (Blasius Buam) ◙ MAHTAR [Blasius Buam] ◙ DJANE NAIMA [Acidance Records] ◙ JARAMOGI [ 2to6…Info: ◙ campfire + wonderfull big chillarea (camping possible)! ◙ SHOP by Govind & Elke ◙ NO ENTRY under 18 YEARS! TIMETABLE : ◙ 22.00 - 23.00 Uhr NAIMA ◙ 23.00 - 00.30 Uhr GAO…Lieu: Böllerbauer Passé 13a 5m · 3 284 · Inscrit par jaramogi Photos0 People Spirit of the Plants Haag / NÖ · Autriche sam., 24 sept. 11, 22:00 - dim., 25 sept., 10:00= 12hIndoor · / 6 · Passé 13a 5m