Fête 2 - 3 nov. 24 · Club · Athens, Grèce Line-up: ✦ AlWoods Live ( presenting his Fothcoming album exclusively for all of you) * Lots of music surprises from Al Woods !!! Alwoods, the brainchild of John Rigas, is a prominent psychill music projecttha…Info: Spelling errors are here to “correct”your ears. 2 November Proudly present an Altar Special Starts : 23:30 Entry : 10 EuroLieu: It Athens, IT Athens Σολωμου 30 & Mποταση 9, 10682 Αθήνα, 10682 Athens Passé 4m 7j · 317 · Inscrit par Dj Qses aka Dark Q Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Spelling Errors / Altar Special Athens · Grèce sam., 2 nov. 24, 23:30 - dim., 3 nov., 06:00= 6h 30minClub · Passé 4m 7j