Fête 12 - 13 sept. 09 · Indoor · London, Royaume-Uni Line-up: Phyx ::Live:: (Timecode Records) South Africa Sinewave ::Live:: (Mutagen Records) UK/Australiamainroom: Daksinamurti (Nexus Media/SST/ Mutagen Records) Germany Dark N Devious (Mutagen/24-7 Records) UK/Australia Conrad (Atom/InDeepndance) UK Dillan M (Mutagen Records)South Africa Peter Wel aka…Info: Mutagen Records and Atom Productions presents South African Connection where will be bring the one and only Phyx from legendary label Timecode records. Ian Summs aka Phyx is Co Manager of the le…Lieu: secret location in london Passé 15a 5m · 1 950 · Inscrit par Daksinamurti Photos0 People South African Connection London · Royaume-Uni sam., 12 sept. 09, 22:00 - dim., 13 sept., 12:00= 14hIndoor · Passé 15a 5m