Fête 15 - 16 nov. 14 · Indoor · Horitschon, Autriche / 1 Line-up: LIVE: ► CONFO (GR) // Parvati Records (first time in Austria!!!!!) DJs: ► CONFO (GR) // Parvati Records ► SHAMANIAK (AT) // Shipibo Sounds ► ULURU (AT) // Shipibo Sounds ► GLOBAL FREQUENCY (AT) //…Info: Our aim is to present you mind expanding events, mainly focused on the more dark, organic and deeper side of Psytrance...so get ready for a shamanic journey, into the magic world of the Shipibos!! Res…Lieu: Esterhazy Keller, Hauptstraße 41, 7312 Horitschon (1 hour by… Passé 10a 3m · 1 325 · Inscrit par Shipibo Sounds Photos0 People Shipibo Sounds presents: ANI SHINAN Horitschon · Autriche · Carte sam., 15 nov. 14, 22:00 - dim., 16 nov., 09:00= 11hIndoor · / 1 · Passé 10a 3m