Fête 6 - 7 avr. 13 · Indoor · Rome, Italie Line-up: PHASE (Looney Moon Records)--- PSYTRANCE FLOOR: --- INTERSTELLAR OVERDRIVE (Free Spirit Foundation) GINO (Sonica dance festival)…Info: --- SONICA DANCE FESTIVAL 2013 --- Welcome all to Sonica powerstock edition, the total green fueled fest…Lieu: Big Bang Via di Monte Testaccio, 22, 00153 Roma Passé 11a 11m · 1 573 · Inscrit par Free Spirit Foundation Photos0 People Shanti@Sonica Dance Festival promo party Rome · Italie sam., 6 avr. 13, 23:30 - dim., 7 avr., 06:00= 6h 30minIndoor · Passé 11a 11m